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New for 2024!

Dustin Muir

Dustin Muir - McDermott Cue Ambassador


8-ball & 9-ball

Playing Cue:
G229 with G-Core and Defy shafts

Break/Jump Cue: Stinger NG07

McDermott Ambassador since: 2022

Home Club: RackTime Billiards & Bar

Tips/advice for aspiring players:
Always stay positive, remain humble, and work hard for what you want.

Best advice you received from someone:
I couldn't even say. I've been blessed to receive so much advice over the years.


I learned the game from my dad when I was about 11 years old from not being able to see over the table to having to stand on milk crates to be able to see over the table to shoot the ball. Then 4 years later I started to take pool more seriously and had gotten lessons from Denny Stewart. This took my game to the next level and I’m very thankful for those lessons as it helped better me as a player.

Now that I’m 18 I have been competing on the competitive side of pool for a while now and have been chosen to represent Team USA for the 2022 World Junior Championships!

I have been very blessed with my sponsorship from McDermott and the help of Brian Pauley and I plan on keep shooting strong and hopefully going pro one day!